Unconventional Spring Convention

We barbershoppers really miss each other, right? And we’re able to connect virtually, right?

Well then, let’s go ahead and have a 2021 spring convention! We’re calling it the 2021 Pioneer District Spring Un”Convention”al Virtual Event.

Plans are being finalized for another 20 free learning opportunities starting the evening of Friday, April 23 and continuing through Saturday, April 24. 

Keep an eye on out on the Troub for final schedule and a link to register to participate — although the convention is free to all.

The weekend kicks off on Friday evening with a keynote address (stay tuned!).

“We can still connect virtually with our old friends and meet new ones. We can still talk barbershop and listen to barbershop. We can still learn and advance our skills,” Brandon Smith said. “Let’s make the most of what we can do and share some insights, stories and laughs in true Pioneer District fashion!”

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