Your District Needs you

Written by Pioneer District. Updated at 9/13/2022, 12:12:56 AM

If you have leadership experience or aspirations there is an opportunity to serve your PIoneer district in 2023 and beyond!

District board elections will take place on Friday, October 14 at the Fall convention. A nominating committee led by Immediate Past President, Joe McDonald along with Roger Lewis, Mike Hansen, Jamie Carey and Jason Hall is active and accepting inquiries about the openings and applications to be considered.

Two district officers and five directors are elected annually. (The president and executive vice-president serve two year terms and are in place for 2023. Those roles will be elected again in October of 2023 for a 2024/2025 term)

The annually elected positions include:
District Secretary - Officer
District Treasurer - Officer
Director for Education
Director for Outreach (Membership)
Director for Communication
Director for Events
New - Member-at-large

Current board members in the Secretary, Treasurer and Events positions have expressed their intent to continue serving and will be on the ballot at the Fall House of Delegates meeting.

Which position are you interested in? Do you know someone that we should consider?

Please respond by September 19th via email to
You can also use the email above to engage in the process or explore the opportunity. You can also contact any current board member to ask questions and seek insight into the role.

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